
Student Achievements Celebrated at Academic 荣誉 Day

Submitted on April 24, 2024

Students, faculty, staff, and special guests gat在这里d in John L. Hill Chapel on Tuesday, 4月23日, 2024 to honor the outstanding achievements of our students for the 2024 Academic 荣誉 Day ceremony.

"This is truly one of my favorite days of the year," said Provost Jonathan Sands Wise. "We get to celebrate the commitment and excellence of our students and our faculty, the culmination of our hard work throughout the academic year." In addition to departmental awards and scholarships presented by faculty, the prestigious Dean's Honor Award was presented by Provost Jonathan Sands Wise to two outstanding seniors.

The 2024 Dean's Honor Award recipients were Marina Smart from Murray, 肯塔基和赌博导航所有网站大全的亨特·韦斯顿霍弗, 肯塔基州. Smart is a double major in Communications and Media Studies and Political Science and plans to pursue a master's degree in the fall. Westenhofer is an English Major with a minor in Women's Studies and is part of the Oxford Scholars Program.


The complete list of award winners is below, alphabetized by first names. To view the entire Academic 荣誉 Day ceremony, visit our YouTube channel 在这里.

Abigail N Hall 荣誉 Program 
Abigail N Hall 世界宗教优秀学生
Abir  El Hirch 罗纳德·E. 梅雷迪思领导奖学金
Alison Mackenzie Wells 威尔玛·里德纪念奖学金
Allison Paige Shaffer 市场营销优秀大四学生
Allison Paige Shaffer 工商管理专业优秀大四学生
Allison Paige Shaffer 荣誉 Program
Alyssa M Abner 荣誉 Program
Ashley Grace Kendall Herbert Anderson Jr. 奖学金
Ashlynn Jade Hill 肯尼斯•米. Wells Music 奖学金
Ashton Mykala Reed 生物系系主任奖
Ashton Mykala Reed 荣誉 Program
Aubree巢穴 Dr. Alma Hall Intercultural Communication Travel 奖学金
Benjamin James Carey 一年级物理成绩优异
Brayden Michael Wulfeck 玛丽·路易斯·福斯特会计奖
Brooke Lurene Gantt 美国政府优秀学生
Caleb Joseph Poczatek C R Alexander Outstanding Organic Chemistry Student
Cameron Quinn Robinson Dr. Alma Hall Intercultural Communication Travel 奖学金
Cameron Quinn Robinson 福格尔文化旅游奖学金
Campbell Brooke Gullion Carol Williams Award
Candace H Van Name 卡尔·菲尔兹Phi Alpha Theta奖
Carson Delaney Curtis Outstanding Performance in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Chancen James Todd Scobee 运动科学专业优秀大四学生
Charis Michal Ridge 优秀传播学本科
Christian Alexander Lanham 欧洲/亚洲历史海泽奖
Collin Bradley  Warren Outstanding Performance in a Lower-level Philosophy Class
大流士尼尔 布兰登D. Lawson 奖学金
David Parker Dedic Psychology Award
Donovan Isaiah Smith Dr. George McGee -Winterpast戏剧奖学金
Drew Lavelle Hayden C Wright Mills Award
Elijah Cole Turner 玛丽·沃顿美国历史奖
Elizabeth Helen Stanko 荣誉 Program
Elle B Prewitt 奥拉·朗斯福德纪念奖学金
Emiley Paige Mattingly WAGC
Emma Kathleen Taylor 健康科学专业优秀大四学生
Ethan Simmie Decker 新手奖励
Evan Wells Spencer 科尔曼·阿诺德写作优秀奖
Evan Wells Spencer 鲁斯和吉姆·海泽图书奖
Evan Wells Spencer Dr. 格温·克兰菲尔·库里纪念奖学金
信仰 Elaine Wisecup Jim McCormick and Robert Williams Art 奖学金
信仰 Kennady Hogsten 基础教育优秀学生
Grace Elizabeth Hommrich 格蕾丝·韦勒钢琴奖学金
Haley Alexis King Outstanding American Chemical Society Student Member
Haley Alexis King 荣誉 Program
Haley Alexis King Maskrafter of the Year
博翰Halie WAGC 奖学金
Hannah Grace Kim Adelia 'Dee Dee' McMakin Owens艺术奖学金
Harrison Clay Booher 荣誉 Program
Haylee Ray Stansbury Outstanding Performance by a Second-Year Mathematics Student
Hunter Evan Westenhofer 荣誉 Program
Hunter Evan Westenhofer Dean's Honor Award
Isaac David Morris 加入F. 雷顿·希尔克和露丝·希尔克纪念奖学金
Isabel Chanslor Rea 优秀普通化学专业学生
Isabella Eileen Lambros Joy Parson 奖学金
Isabella Eileen Lambros 肯尼斯•米. Wells Music 奖学金
玉4 Outstanding Student in Cultural-Historical Studies
James Ambrose Wireman 生物学优秀大四学生
Jenna Leigh Boggs Outstanding Senior in Communication and Media Studies
Jordan Elizabeth Grapperhaus W. 文森和加内特·皮尔斯艺术奖学金
Jordan Vaughn Hasenbalg 鲁斯和吉姆·海泽图书奖
Joshua I Sullivan 荣誉 Program
Josiah Joel Walker A.G. Thomson Music 奖学金
Julian Gary Clavere 荣誉 Program
Julian Gary Clavere 哲学优秀毕业生
Julian Gary Clavere 国际关系专业优秀学生
Karol Ella Forish 生物医学专业优秀大四学生
Karol Ella Forish 荣誉 Program
Kathryn Taylor Clifford Carlton/Deason 奖学金
Katie Grace Bowman 优秀普通化学专业学生
Katlyn Elizabeth Calhoun 优秀传播学本科
凯耶的作品 贝蒂扬西格里菲斯奖学金
Kayla Ann Mantell Mark Eddy Award
Keegan Arie Christopher 联合医疗专业优秀大四学生
Kirstin Paige Thomas 荣誉 Program
Krzyszof Kowalski 工商管理专业优秀大四学生
Kylee M West Outstanding Senior in Communication and Media Studies
Lane Philip Alexander Erica Hagan 服务 Award 
Lane Philip Alexander 社会学优秀大四学生
拉里·阿奈特 琳达和杰·巴特勒生物学奖学金
Larry Blaine Pierson Carlton/Deason 奖学金
Lauren Marie Hayslett 生物学二年级学生奖
Lawson M Vaughn Debbie McRoberts 奖学金 in Elementary Education
Lawson M Vaughn 珍妮丝 & Happy Osborne, Sr.  Award in Education
利昂·约翰逊 Catherine Cress Martin奖学金
Lindsay Cate Miller 詹姆斯·罗伯茨旅行奖学金
Lindsay Cate Miller 最佳日语成绩
Lindsay Cate Miller 约翰F. Drake Accounting Award 
Logan Cole Johnson 荣誉 Program
Logan Cole Johnson Outstanding Graduating Minor in Computer Science
Logan Cole Johnson 优秀高级数学专业
洛根J. 琼 经济学优秀大四学生
Lucas Morgan Smith Outstanding Performance in a Lower-Level Philosophy Class
Maddilynn Lane Mutchler 约翰R. Blackburn Award
Madelyn Michelle Gill 罗伯特泰勒辛顿纪念奖学金
Makinley Grace Slone 环境研究专业优秀大四学生
Makinley Grace Slone 亨利和雪莉·沃尔特斯奖
Mallory L Creech 美国政府优秀学生
Marina Elizabeth Smart Dr. Alma Hall Intercultural Communication Travel 奖学金
Marina Elizabeth Smart 政治学优秀学生
Marina Elizabeth Smart Dean's Honor Award
Marina Elizabeth Smart 福格尔文化旅游奖学金
Michelle Tusekile Mwasumbi 生物学一年级学生奖
Misty Dawn Akers 珍妮丝 & Happy Osborne, Sr.  Award in Education
Nicholas Edward Smedley 医疗保健管理专业优秀大四学生
Olivia Carol Mitchell 管理专业优秀大四学生
Olivia Caroline Wachter 塞缪尔·艾略特·克兰菲尔高级奖学金
Olivia 信仰 Moore Best Performance in Latin
Olivia Katherine Poczatek 生物系系主任奖
Olivia Katherine Poczatek 优秀高级化学专业
Olivia Katherine Poczatek 荣誉 Program
Preston Farley 会计学优秀学生
Rachel Lyn Ritchie Dr. Alma Hall Intercultural Communication Travel 奖学金
Rachel Lyn Ritchie WAGC
Rachel Lynette Puckett 优秀高级化学专业
Rachel Lynette Puckett 荣誉 Program
Rachel Lynette Puckett 部级优秀学生
Rachel Michelle Harris 运动科学专业优秀大四学生
Raegan Rilee Pruitt Outstanding Performance in a Lower-Level Philosophy Class
里根·奥·韦尔奇 Dr. 苏珊哈特贝尔研究奖
里根·奥·韦尔奇 圣经课优秀学生
里根·奥·韦尔奇 加入F. 雷顿·希尔克和露丝·希尔克纪念奖学金
里根·奥·韦尔奇 WAGC
Reanna M Hatter Dr. Christine Leverenz Teaching of Mathematics 奖学金
Reanna M Hatter 珍妮丝 & Happy Osborne, Sr.  Award in Education
Rhys Christopher Tilford J. W. Rogers 奖学金
Riley Addison Morris 金融专业优秀大四学生
Ryan Cole Thompson Outstanding Performance by a First-Year Mathematics Student
Ryan Zackery Burke 珍妮丝 & Happy Osborne, Sr.  Award in Education
Samuel Aaron Smith 中学教育优秀学生
Samuel George Steyn Outstanding Performance in First-Year Computer Science
Sarah K Landers Best Performance in German
Savannah M Shepard C R Alexander Outstanding Organic Chemistry Student
Sonya N Pavona 库里/马奇曼纪念奖学金
Sonya N Pavona Dr. 玛丽李桑顿布雷迪奖学金
Sophia Jordan Smith W.B. Jones Award in English
Sydney Ann Walls 世界语言优秀大四学生
Sydney Ann Walls 西班牙语最佳成绩
Sydney Claire Raymer W. I. Lewis Memorial 奖学金
Taylor Grace Smith 罗杰艾伦贝利纪念奖学金
Taylor Ian Hatton 荣誉 Program
Taylor Kristen Roach 荣誉 Program
Taylor Kristen Roach 杰出顶石表演奖
Terry C Quillen 杰出社会学研究奖
特雷西·R·曼德尔 神学优秀学生
特雷西·R·曼德尔 Best Performance in French
特雷西·R·曼德尔 Garner-Marshall奖学金
特雷西·R·曼德尔 WAGC
特雷西·R·曼德尔 欧内斯特·J和凯瑟琳·韦勒宗教奖
佐伊乔丹 Dr. Alma Hall Intercultural Communication Travel 奖学金
佐伊乔丹 福格尔文化旅游奖学金

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